Terminalia bellerica medicinal uses pdf

It is often cultivated on a commercial basis for the tannin in its fruit, and also for its medicinal properties, especially in india. Pdf pharmacological aspects of terminalia belerica researchgate. Attempt was made to isolate and characterized ellagic acid on the basis of ir and gcms studies. Catharanthus roseus vinca medicinal plant benefits and images. Leaves are simple, alternate, elliptic or elliptic obovate, long petiole, crowded at shoot tip, leathery, both surface pubescent when young, glabrous at maturity. Reproductive ecology of terminalia pallida brandis combretaceae, an endemic and medicinal tree species of india a.

Mic, mbc and mfc activity of diffreent extracts of. Haritaki terminalia chebula uses, side effects, ayurveda details haritaki fruit is one among the three, that constitute triphala. Names of terminalia chebula in various languages of the world are also given. Emergence of mdr bacteria due to increased use and misuse of. Morphology terminalia bellirica is a large tree which grows up to 25 50 meters in height. Medicinal plants have been a major source of therapeutic agents to cure human diseases, since ancient time. Terminalia chebula is an important medicinal plant in indian traditional medicine and it is most frequently. This is a 1m tall perennial herb with oppositely arranged leaves.

Triphala in sanskrit, trithree and phalafruits is another important ayurvedic medicinal preparation comprising three fruits. Essential oils and plant extracts based on ethno medicinal uses are potential sources of new antimicrobial compounds against microbial strains. Medicinal use of terminalia bellerica baheda the fruit of baheda contains chemicals like beta cetosterol, tannins, gaelic, ethyl and elegiac acid. It is actually the dried fruit from the terminalia chebula tree, also referred to as haritaki. Terminalia chebula herb uses, benefits, cures, side. Phytochemistry and medicinal potential of the terminalia bellirica. Antioxidant availabiltiy of beheda terminalia bellerica. Phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of the plant.

Abstract terminalia bellerica is an important traditional indian medicinal plant used in various ailments and rituals. Synergistic growth inhibitory effects of phyllanthus emblica and terminalia bellerica extracts with conventional cytotoxic agents. Badole, in polyphenols in human health and disease, 2014. Terminalia belerica is widely used in ayurveda, important phytoconstituents like gallotannic acid, bellericanin, ellagic acid, gallic acid, termilignan, thanni lignan, flavone and anolignan b, tannins. Catharanthus roseus vinca medicinal uses and images. Medicinal plant nuxvomica medicinal uses and pictures nuxvomica also known as kochila is a mediumsized tree with a short, crooked and thick trunk and black and brown in colour. How terminalia chebula is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. It can grow to be 25 meters tall and has a variable appearance and spreading branches. The genus terminalia comprises approximately 200250 species of mediumtolarge. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in terminalia bellirica. It is an antioxidantrich herbal formulation, and possesses diverse beneficial properties. Terminalia arjuna is one kind of widely used medicinal plant used in various indigenous system of medicine like ayurveda, sidda and unani.

Venkata ramana department of environmental sciences, andhra university, visakhapatnam 530 003, india terminalia pallida is a semievergreen tree species. Members of the genus terminalia have a long history in traditional medicinal systems since they are widely used in. A randomized, doubleblind, placebo, and positivecontrolled clinical pilot study to evaluate the efficacy and tolerability of standardized aqueous extracts of terminalia chebula and terminalia bellerica in subjects with hyperuricemia. Trunk cylindrical with horizontally spreading branches, bark dark brown with irregular fissures.

List of various diseases cured by terminalia bellirica. Beleric seed oil or fruit paste is applied on swollen and painful parts. Terminalia bellerica, ellagic acid, anticancer activity introduction h. All four compounds possessed demonstrable antihiv1, antimalarial, and antifungal activity in vitro. A bioactivityguided fractionation of an extract of terminalia bellerica fruit rind led to the isolation of two new lignans named termilignan 1 and thannilignan 2, together with 7hydroxy3,4methylenedioxyflavan 3 and anolignan b 4. Terminalia bellirica extract beleric extract latest. Terminalia is most commonly used for heart ailments including heart failure and chest pain. Indeed, the indian species terminalia chebula is known as the king of plants in ayurveda due to its broad range of medicinal uses. Phytochemical analysis and biochemical characterization f. The tree is harvested from the wild for local medicinal use, whilst the valuable timber is exploited commercially303. Pinmai k, chunlaratthanabhorn s, ngamkitidechakul c, soonthornchareon n, hahnvajanawong c. An excellent guide to over 500 of the more well known medicinal herbs from around the world.

How terminalia bellirica is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Phytochemical analysis and biochemical characterization f terminalia chebula extracts for its medicinal use. Health benefits of terminalia chebula fruit baseline of. Its a herb popular in ayurveda due to its benefits to weight loss, hair, skin, cough, diabetes, cancer, acne and liver. Throughout the world medicinal plants are widely and successfully used.

Take one tablespoon of this paste with equal quantity of honey thrice a day. Haritaki is a dried fruit known by the names terminalia chebula, chebulic myrobalan, kadukkai podi, karakkaya and harad. The medicinal properties and phytochemistry of plants of. Names of terminalia bellirica in various languages of the world are also given. The selection of baheda plant as a medicinal plant is with the aim that the. These species are terminalia arjuna, terminalia bellerica, and terminalia chebula. A plant with active medicinal constituents are used to treat diseases in the traditional systems like ayurveda, siddha and unani.

Introduction plants have been used as medicines from the ancient times. Terminalia bellerica, phytoconstituents, traditional use. Combretaceae, as a shade and ornamental tree with 250 species, is a medicinal plant that grows in the middle east and tropical regions such as india, china, and thailand. It is commonly known as arjuna or arjun tree in english, thella maddi in telugu, kumbuk in sinhala, marudha maram in tamil and neer maruthu in malayalam. Terminalia has been evaluated to a limited extent for its cardiovascular properties and for its role in cancer therapy.

It is also the most important constituent of ayurvedic triphala. Dental problems, folk medicine, terminalia bellirica roxb. Table 1 a summary of the origin, medicinal properties, and phytochemical constituents where known for selected terminalia species worldwide species common name origin medicinal properties known. Medicinal plants and their uses with herbal plants pictures.

Their traditional uses include relief in a cough, asthma, indigestion, dental problems, sore throat and wounds. Uses, benefits, cures, side effects, nutrients in terminalia chebula. The sour fruits are one of the ingredients of triphala, an ayurvedic rejuvenative, laxative tonic based on this species plus the fruits of phyllanthus emblica and terminalia chebula. Reproductive ecology of terminalia pallida brandis. Terminalia chebula is called the king of medicines in tibet and is one of the prime ayurvedic herbs from india because of its extraordinary healing powers. Catharanthus roseus vinca also known as the madagascar periwinkle or rosy periwinkle or sadabahar is grown as an ornamental plant in the garden. Medicinal plants are the one of the many sources of. Yellow coloured oil, extracted from the seed, is highly medicinal. Terminalia chebula, commonly known as blackor chebulic myrobalan, is a species of terminalia, native to south asia from india and nepal east to southwest china. Learn more about terminalia uses, effectiveness, possible side effects, interactions, dosage, user ratings and products that contain terminalia. Terminalia chebula an overview sciencedirect topics. Similarly, recent reports have also highlighted the medicinal potential of species from africa, australia and the americas. In the traditional system of medicine tcm like ayurveda, siddha and unani, medicinal uses have been described as it is works in disease of every system. Leaves simple, alternate, with long petiole, crowded at shoot tip.

Terminalia chebula were isolated on reverse phase chromatography 26 there are seven varieties of terminalia. Hepatoprotective, cardiovascular, antidiabetes, cholesterolreducing, antimicrobial, and antioxidant effects have been described. List of various diseases cured by terminalia chebula. Bark contains betasitosterol, tannins, ellagic acid, gallic acid and catechol. Terminalia arjuna is a tree of the genus terminalia. Here, the ethanolic, methanolic, choloroform, ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts of terminalia belerica were examined for their antibacterial activity against gram positive and. Several species used in ayurvedic medicine terminalia arjuna, terminalia bellerica, terminalia catappa, t. The present study was done to analyze the antimicrobial activity of different extracts of terminalia belerica. Characterization, quantitation and determination of antioxidant capacities. New antihiv1, antimalarial, and antifungal compounds. Abstract plants of the genus terminalia are amongst the most widely used plants for traditional medicinal purposes worldwide. However, apart from the reported ethnopharmacological uses of many terminalia species, surprisingly few studies have rigorously examined this important genus for their medical propertiesmechanisms and phytochemistry.

Praveen kumar vemuri, lohitha dronavalli, poojitha nayakudugari, ankitha kunta and. Welcome to the india biodiversity portal a repository of information designed to harness and disseminate collective intelligence on the biodiversity of the indian subcontinent. Polyphenolic compounds in the fruits of egyptian medicinal plants terminalia bellerica, terminalia chebula and terminalia horrida. The present paper enumerates the phytochemical and pharmacological evaluation of terminalia bellerica. Medicinal plants have been a main source of therapeutic agents from ancient time to cure diseases. The tree is particularly valued as an excellent source of tannins, though it also provides a good quality wood, plus it has a wide range of medicinal and edible uses. Terminalia belerica, is an important medicinal plant with diverse pharmacological spectrum. Many species are used for their antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal, antiviral, antidiarrhoeal, anal gesic, antimalarial, antioxidant, antiin. Terminalia bellerica the pharmaceutical and chemical journal. Gallic acid, the active ingredient of terminalia bellirica.